
These frost-tender perennials, commonly called Christmas Pride, are natives of tropical South America. They are grown for their beautiful flowers and attractive foliage. R. devosiana is a bushy plant that grows 18 inches or more high and wide. Its evergreen, broadly lance-shaped, dark green leaves are veined with pale green above and stained with purple beneath. In the spring and summer, tubular-shaped flowers are produced in the leaf axils. They are white, tinted and striped with mauve. R. graecizans grows 2 feet or more high and wide and has shiny green, narrowly oval, pointed leaves. Small, tubular, scarlet flowers are produced throughout the year. R. squarrosa, Bluebell, grows up to 10 inches high with a spread of 12 inches. It produces dark purplish-green foliage and violet-blue blossoms. This variety is suitable for growing on the edges of a water garden.

Pot Cultivation

These plants need a minimum temperature of 60 degrees, so in cold climates grow as a greenhouse or houseplant. Grow them in moist, well-drained soil consisting of loam, leaf mold and peat; a good amount of sand should also be mixed in. They should be planted in partial shade and have a humid atmosphere. The aquatic variety, R. squarrosa, can be planted in 1- or 2-gallon containers and set in water that is 2 or 3 inches over the crown. It should be in a sunny or partially shady location.


Stem cuttings or seeds may be used to increase these plants, in the spring. Stem cuttings are obtained by trimming back the shoots within 12 inches of the soil, in early March. Sprits them with water often to induce new growth. When the new shoots are 2 inches long, they are cut off and inserted in a propagating case with bottom heat. When enough roots have grown, they are planted individually in 3-inch pots. Once the plants are established in the pots, the tips of the shoots should be pinched to encourage bushy growth. When side shoots appear, they are transferred to 5-inch pots. They should eventually end up in 7-inch pots. Established plants will benefit from applications of liquid fertilizer, though this must be stopped before the plants begin to bloom. The aquatic variety may be increased by sowing seeds in March for planting in May. Cuttings may also be taken in late summer and started in a heated bed and greenhouse. The new plants may be set out in the water garden when the water and air maintain at 70� F. temperature.

R. graecizans
R. Portellae


  • R. brittoniana & var. Chi Chi.
  • R. devosiana;
  • R. elegans
  • R. formosa;
  • R. fulgida;
  • R. graecizans;
  • R. macrantha;
  • R. Portellae;
  • R. rosea;
  • R. squarrosa; 

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